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Maps Unit
Essential Question/Big Idea:
What is Community?
Standards and Assessments:
SS.K.G.1.1 – Describe the relative location of people, places, and things by using positional words.
Observation: Students act out and move to the action in Rosie’s Walk. Students build obstacle course out of cubes and take their bear through the course using these words: across, around, over, under, past, through, above, below. They can then direct a partner to do the same using positional words. Student Work Sample: Students draw objects to complete a picture while the teacher dictates positional words. Student can describe the location of objects to another person.
SS.K.G.1.2 – Explain that maps and globes help to locate different places and that globes are a model of the Earth.
Observation: Using an anchor chart to teach definition of each; student can explain
SS.K.G.1.3 – Identify cardinal directions (north, south, east, west).
Observation: Using an example of a Compass Rose student can point to and say North, South, East, and West by looking at N, S,E, W
SS.K.G.1.4 – Differentiate land and water features on simple maps and globes.
Observation: Play the game Globe Toss. When student catches the globe they say if their thumb is on land or water
Student Work Sample: Student can color the land green and the water blue on a map and a globe.
SS.K.G.2.1 – Locate and describe places in the school and community.
Work Sample: Using a school map students can find their classroom and map the route to the cafeteria. They can explain the route to a partner and walk the route together.
SS.K.G.3.1 – Identify basic landforms. Observation: After learning about landforms student will find landforms in books. They will mark their findings with a post -it and share.
Student Work Sample: Student will sort pictures of landforms from bodies of water. Student can name the landforms .
SS.K.G.3.2 – Identify basic bodies of water. Observation: Student can sing 5 Oceans song while pointing to the oceans on a map
Student Work Sample: Student will sort picture of landforms from bodies of water. Student can name the bodies of water.
Core Knowledge: Identify the North and South Pole and Equator on a globe.
Student Work Sample: Student can label the North and South Pole and Equator
CoreText(s): My Map Book, Me On the Map, As the Crow Flies , There's a Map on My Lap!, North Pole, South Pole
Walk the setting: choose a map from the story Visualize/Verbalize illustrations
Vocabulary Tableaus
Writing an Aria: to the tune of “Where is Thumbkin” write together at interactive writing. Where is Rosewood –I’m a school – community
Questions to Consider
How can you tell which direction you are facing?
What tools can you use to find out the direction?
Why is it important to tell what direction something is? What would happen if you did know the directions to a place?
Why do we need directions?
How can directions help you?
Culminating Performance/Exhibition/Student Work
Complete Unit Plan
Complete Unit Plan PDF
See, Think, Wonder
Story Map Template
Native American Picture Symbols
Unit Rubric
Above: Culminating event for the month long unit on Native Americans brought kindergarteners and first graders come together to sing songs about their history and share a “Thanksgiving” snack.
Left: Unit Rubric
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