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2018 Moonshot Summer Teacher Institute:

The Magic Pencil: Creating a Better Future

July 16 - 20, 2018

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The 2018 Moonshot Summer Teacher Institute inspired

educators to unlock the power of ​E​nriched ​L​iteracy to transform their practice and improve student outcomes. ​They learned how to create dynamic learning opportunities that develop foundational literacy skills through supporting  students' social emotional needs and providing authentic opportunities for applied learning. ​


  • Learned research-based strategies that will have an immediate impact on their students

  • Joined a growing movement of professional educators

  • Launched into an opportunity to receive a Moonshot Practitioner Certification

This comprehensive experience unpacked the Enriched Literacy Framework into its components: Social Emotional, Foundational and Applied Literacy. Anchored in the beautiful text Malala's Magic Pencil by education activist Malala Yousafzai, this integrated approach to literacy instruction has the rigor to meet today's foundational standards while building compassion and the social emotional competencies of both educators and students. The whole week explored answers to our framing  question: 

How can we grow literate, compassionate, creative citizens who will improve our world?










Social Emotional Literacy: the ability to manage emotions and navigate group interactions to build a community of learners

How do we create the conditions in which students are safe and available to learn? 

Foundational Literacy: the ability to read words and bring meaning to text. 

What are the essential skills students need to learn to be able to read?

Applied Literacy: the ability to apply skills and knowledge gained to authentic, real-world contexts.

How do we create authentic opportunities for students to show what they know and apply their learning?



About the Moonshot Summer Institute:

This annual week-long teacher institute, provided by The Learning Alliance, is designed to provide a meaningful, hands on professional development experience that reinforces the importance of collaborative planning - building units driven by big ideas and powerful essential questions, integrating the arts into learning, and engaging all our students, all while supporting rigorous standards-based instruction. Educators head back into their schools with rich, engaging curriculum. 

The 2018 Moonshot Summer Teacher Institute was held at The Heritage Center.

The Learning Alliance is grateful for such an impactful partner!

Thank you to our generous community partners for your support, including
United Way, Impact 100, John's Island Community Service League, and John's Island Foundation
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