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Anchor Day 4 Summer 18

Day 4 (AM): Foundational Literacy Make it Flow & Bringing Words to Life

Foundational Literacy: the ability to read words and bring meaning to text. 
Session Focus Question:  How can we better understand the role of fluency in word recognition, oral reading, silent reading, and comprehension?


  • Understand that fluency is not just speed, it is also accuracy - you’ve got to slow down to go fast

  • Know that fluency is the bridge from word-level reading to comprehension

  • Learn direct, explicit, and multisensory strategies to develop fluency & vocabulary

  • Be able to define text at student’s frustration, instructional, and independent reading levels

  • Understand that it is important to teach vocabulary both in and out of context

  • Know how to develop word consciousness such that learning vocabulary is in service of communication


Mindful Moonshot Morning Routine

The morning began with an Activity to Unite. Participants gathered in groups and posed for goofy family portraits. 

Strategies for Effective Vocabulary Instruction

Thurs AM - Module #7_8.jpg

Fran, Leslie and Debbi shared high impact strategies for vocabulary instruction. Fran used a step-by-step routine to introduce new vocabulary. 

Actor's Toolkit and Vocabulary Gestures. Debbi Arseneaux share with the participants the idea of the "Actor's Toolkit," a way to help students use their body, voice, mind and imagination to learn vocabulary. 

Meet K.I.M. Leslie introduced  a strategy called K.I.M. to use with students.

K=Key Vocabulary Word

I=Important Information/Definition

M=Memory Clue (visual representation)

Thurs AM - Module #7_8 (1).jpg

MIM and MIC. Words have Many Interesting Meanings and Many Interesting Connections. If students know one word, they know 100! Using Maryann Wolf's RAV-O strategies, Leslie demonstrated how students can make connections to make meaning of words.  

A Moonshot Talk with Liz Remington: Bringing Words to Life

Liz Remington presented on what the research says about what works and what doesn't work in teaching vocabulary .


"The more you know about a word the faster you can decode it and give it meaning."

Power point is available on the Resource page.

Visual Vocabulary: Icons

Kurt Wootton, introduced Icons as an interactive, multi-sensory way to demonstrate vocabulary comprehension.

Participants were given a word or phrase from Malala's Magic Pencil and they created an icon to represent the text using only paper, scissors, and glue.

Oh Make it Flow: What is Fluency? 

Liz Remington presented on the importance of fluency and how to teach it. Fluency is in the service of comprehension, but often, ineffectively, it is treated like a speed drill.

Story Nuggets 

Debbi used a strategy called Story Nuggets as a way to develop fluency and preview text. Using small "nuggets" of the story, participants performed the text in small groups.

Nutty Professor

Liz Remington introduced a strategy adapted from Whole Brain Teaching, called the Nutty Professor.  in pairs, participants took turns reading a page from the book multiple times, with new instructions for each repeated reading. 

I can't wait to use this in my classroom! My kids will love this and want to put it on their YouTube Channel. - Participant Feedback

Day 4 (PM): Applied Literacy 

From the Word to the World

Applied Literacy: the ability to apply skills and knowledge gained to authentic, real-world contexts
Session Focus Question:  What does it take to grow and show comprehension of text in meaningful and relevant ways?


  • Learn multisensory strategies to demonstrate comprehension of text

  • Understand what deep comprehension looks like - comprehension is both individual and social

  • Be able to make personal connections to the text and connections from the text to the world

Kurt Wootton, co-author of A Reason to Read: Linking Literacy and the Arts, dives deeply into key ideas around comprehension. A transactional view of reading says that the book needs a reader to give it meaning.  Readers bring their own experiences to the text.


  • is transactional. 

  • is social

  • is applied

  • needs rich and challenging texts

Thurs PM -  Module #9.jpg

Keyword Outline

Liz Woody-Remington shares a strategy to glean meaning from text by turning comprehension into a game. First, choose 3 key words from each sentence that convey the key details. Then, see if you can recreate the main idea of the sentence using only those words as the prompt. From here, write your own version of each sentence and make it even better.  

Micro-Lab Protocol

Kurt Wootton took participants through a comprehension protocol to annotate text and have peer discussions about the key details of the text.

Inquiry Wall

Participants revisit the Inquiry Wall and add their New Learnings, and see how much they were right from the previous day with the wall and how many questions they had answered.

Tea Party

Role playing as Malala, or a friend, or a relative, participants drew on their knowledge of the text to converse with each other as if at a tea party.

Pictures from Day 4

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