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UP Campaign, September 2016

Hidden Heroes: Untold Stories of Innovation

As part of the Unit Planning (UP) Campaign, in partnership with the School District of Indian River County (SDIRC), this workshop focused on interdisciplinary unit planning around the big idea of how the power of inquiry leads to innovation and change. Participants explored the basics of coding, delved deep into the world of innovation and created beautiful art through learning the story of the first computer programmer, a little known woman who of the Victorian Age, Ada Lovelace. By the end of the day, participants were able to apply all they had learned in multiple disciplines by designing and building their own machines. 

Essential Question:

How do inquiry, imagination and innovation drive change?

Kindergarten - Grade 2
ELA - LAFS.1.RI.3.7
Use the illustrations and details in a text to describe its key ideas
Identify and compute values of money
VA.1.H.3  Connections among the arts and other disciplines strengthen learning and the ability to transfer knowledge and skills to and from other fields.
Grade 3-5
LAFS.4.RI.3.7 - Interpret information presented visually, orally, or quantitatively (e.g., in charts, graphs, diagrams, time lines, animations, or interactive elements on Web pages) and explain how the information contributes to an understanding of the text in which it appears.
MAFS.4.NBT.2.4 -  Fluently add and subtract multi-digit whole numbers using the standard algorithm.
VA.4.F.1  Creating, interpreting and responding in the arts stimulate imagination and encourage innovation and creative risk-taking
Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of using different mediums (e.g., print or digital text, video, multimedia) to present a particular topic or ideas.
MATH - MAFS.8.EE.3.7
Solve linear equations in one variable.
  • Give examples of linear equations in one variable with one solution, infinitely many solutions, or no solutions. Show which of these possibilities is the case by successively transforming the given equation into simpler forms, until an equivalent equation of the form x = a, a = a, or a = b results (where a and b are different numbers).
  • Solve linear equations with rational number coefficients, including equations whose solutions require expanding expressions using the distributive property and collecting like terms.
Cognition and reflection are required to appreciate, interpret and create with artistic intent.
Presenters Kurt Wootton and Debbi Arseneaux preview the day's activities and prepare participants for an interdisciplinary workshop that ties English Language Arts, Math and Visual Art together in this highly dynamic and engaging professional development training. 
Anchor Text, K-2; 3-5
Ada's Ideas: The Story of Ada Lovelace, The First Computer Programmer  by Fiona Robinson
Multiple texts from a variety of sources.
Welcome and Introduction to UP -  Liz Woody and Megan Kendric
"This workshop helped create great connections not only for students and teachers but for students and rigorous content with high engagement." - Teacher Comment
The 6 C's
What are The 6 C's? According to  Becoming Brilliant: What Science Tells Us About Raising Successful Children, the 6 C's are essential for our children to be successful, productive citizens in the 21st century. They are Collaboration, Communication, Creativity, Critical Thinking, Confidence and Content. Workshop participants worked in groups  and discussed what each "C" means to them. What does it look like, sound like and feel like in the classroom? They created a symbol and a performance representing the qualities of their "C".


The morning kicked off with community building activities that served to preview the unit content while at the same time build a supportive learning community.
The Priority Game 
This strategy  focused on the big idea of innovation by asking each table to come up with 3 technological innovations that they couldn’t live without. They then had to eliminate one and discuss with a partner what life would be like without it.​
This is Not a Stick (click for PDF)  
A fun, engaging activity that builds students' capacity for imagination through transforming an ordinary object, like a stick, into something else. Participants acted out what their imaginary object was.


"[I was surprised] by how easy it really is to add in community building with almost any task." - Teacher Comment
The Human Machine
SDIRC PD Team and Team TLA demonstrate a machine. In groups of 6, participants then created their own machines to perform tasks they drew out of a hat.
"I really liked the machine activity.  I think it brought out the creativity and confidence in me." - Teacher Comment
Story Nuggets:
Participants act out small portions "Nuggets" of the text, which helps them understand the big ideas of the text and preview vocabulary.
Sentence Phrase Word 
Participants re-read the text and find the one sentence they feel is the most powerful/insightful. From that sentence they choose three key words. Finally, they narrow it down to one key word.
Headline, Image, Caption (PDF)
Participants read text in pairs and write a headline about a big idea of the text. Draw/sketch the image to support the idea and write a caption for the image. Share at the table.
ELA Lesson: Mastery Activity (K-5)
Participants were given short texts about inventions to read and annotate in a graphic organizer (GO). They then matched the texts to pictures of inventions surrounding the room and recorded details in their GO's. They discussed why they thought the picture went with their text and how the picture aided in understanding the text. Finally, participants shared the inventions and their reasoning with the group.  
"[I was surprised] to see how one book can lead to a multitude of lessons across the curricula." - Teacher Comment
The final project was an art installation that showed participants how to take the multiple dicsiplines and standards covered in the workshop (or a unit) and apply them in a meaningful way to reach the highest level on the learning scale. 
Bridget Lyons led participants through the art of Zentangle, explaining its relevance to math algorithms and patterns. The 4 "faces" of the machine included art, math, writing and text references.
Making Thinking Visible: The Explanation Game (PDF) 
In this Entering Text activity, participants practiced inquiry through observation of illustrations from the unread text.
  • Name it. Name a feature or aspect of the object you notice.
  • Explain it. What could it be?
  • Give reasons. What makes you say that?
  • Generate alternatives. What else could it be? What makes you say that?
Participants were divided into two groups and they rotated through a Math and ELA lesson. Both the Math and ELA sessions were tied to the Essential Question and were anchored in appropriately aligned standards. Leslie Connelly, Julie Kastensmidt, Laura Lane and Fran McDonough presented the breakout sessions.
"Loved the collaboration and opportunity to talk with K teachers from other schools." - Teacher Comment
Using Technology for Formative Assessment


The workshop culminated with an installation of all the individual machines assembled in towers. Participants engaged in a gallery walk and presented a reading of text related to their creation in an informal final performance.
"[I was surprised] how you can take the practice of art and tie it more into our lessons." - Teacher Comment
"[I was surprised] how fun it was! Everything you wanted done was modeled!
Excellent presentation!  I also like the way you have broken everything down into smaller, manageable chunks." - Teacher Comment

 Photo Gallery 

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